Wednesday, May 16, 2007

If you haven't heard, I recently got nasal surgery.

Here's my one shot to prove my manliness: As a bachelor, I never owned any mirrors; just had access to 2 mirrors. Can you guess the two? Correct! In whatever apartment I was renting at the time, it would be (1) The bathroom mirror and (2) the medicine cabinet mirror next to it!

.... On to the castration!

So, when I needed a mirror to bring to work to inspect my bloody nose to make sure there were no trails of blood running down my cheeks, guess who I went to for a portable mirror? Yup! "Yinnggg... do you have a mirror I can bring to work?"

I was sure she'd have some generic-drug-store flavored mirror for me to bring to the office. Something I could just keep at work forever and maybe bring back home with me if "they" one day decide to send me packing with a cardboard box of my belongings.

... But noooOOoo I couldn't be that painless.

This is what Ying gave me to bring to work:


*sigh* ..... it's .... hello .... kitty ...


Opened up, there's even a comb for me to comb my hair!!!!!! *squeals delightfuly*

So there you have it folks -- I am a proud Hello-Kitty-Mirror-Compact-With-Built-In-Comb-Carrying citizen. I know all you girls are jealous! Even some of you guys.  I bet Ariel is green with envy too. (obscure alusion to The Little Mermaid combing her hair with a fork)


Considering the other alternatives Ying offered me, I think Hello Kitty was a good choice.

Presenting an assortment of Chanel, Bobbi Brown, Shiseido, Dior and MAC
(Even knowing these labels puts me dangerously close to the castration chopping block)


Sarcasm aside, I did crack a grin today as I casually put Hello Kitty back in my drawer and quietly slid the drawer closed.

-Dean :)

Filed under: Dean and Ying | English


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I guess my nose is still kinda big. Too bad because I think it's always been like that. Hehe At least I can breathe!


Filed under: Deviated Septum | English


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I got the packings removed from my nostrils today!!!!

It would have been done in the morning, but the doc had a surgery and rescheduled me to the afternoon.

Ying was there for the "event" ...

Her reaction was "EWWWWWW!"

The doc literally extracted a 3-inch-long, 1cm round rectangular foam tube from each of my nostrils.  It felt like he was pulling something out of my brain.  I wouldn't say that pulling it out hurt; but it was definitely a strange feeling I've never felt before.

The instant he pulled out the packings I could breathe through both nostrils. The difference was night and day!!  I can breathe!!!

I still have a week to go I think before total healing... My left nostril that got the most work is still very very tender, sore and bleeding a little bit. And I have a LOT of leftover snot that I can't blow out for risk of opening the surgery wounds.  So I've resigned to snorting and hocking a lot.  Doc prescribed an off-the-shelf saline nasal spray (brand: Ocean) to use 4 times a day to help recovery.

Nose is normal sized now too! Too late to take pics, but I'll update Tuesday afternoon.

-Dean :^)

           ^-regular sized nose again!

Filed under: Deviated Septum | English


Monday, May 14, 2007

Looks like I overdid it yesterday (Sunday Night).

Around 9pm, I took my 2nd dose of antibiotics for the day.  Shortly after I felt my bloodpressure go through the roof. I had been sitting in front of the computer troubleshooting some server problems.

How could I tell? Because my sinuses were THROBBING and I could feel the tissue really squeezing the packing with every heartbeat. Not good! :( 

I went to lie down right away, but it was too late... room spinning, sinuses swelling in protest.

It was a pretty restless night too -- lots of snot and blood leaking through the gauze.

Today I get my packings removed, but I've learned my lesson; I'm going to Mister Take-It-Easy for the next week and beyond.


-Dean  :o|

            ^Solemn big-nosed me.

Filed under: Deviated Septum | English


Monday, May 14, 2007

See? I told you I'd go!


Looks like if you want to view the video, you have to be our youtube friend... just log on to youtube and add 'deanying' as your friend. Once we approve it, you'll be able to watch the video.

-Dean :o)

Filed under: Deviated Septum | English


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