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Saturday, November 11, 2006

Dear Faithful Readers:

Ying says she promised to post pictures of our new apartment... well here are some of our Living Room (our bedroom and bathroom were too messy so we'll have to take pictures of those places some other time :)  Our kitchen was messy too, but you'll get to see some of the stuff on our countertop... as they say in chinese "low4 troo ma2 jiao3!"  ... (the horse's leg has been spotted!)

An overall picture of our living room area:



Picture taken from behind our kitchen counter:


Our "Office"


Taken from our office area, looking at our kitchen; That's our front door.


Beside our office area is the door to our balcony:


We put a rug in our balcony; It makes it feel almost like another room!


You might have noticed some weird white spots in the photos.  It's because our camera is 5 years old and some dust has gotten inside the lense. (But don't worry, that's a GOOD thing!) Now we can get a new camera yay!


-Dean :)

Filed under: Dean and Ying | English
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