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Monday, December 18, 2006

Today we stayed home ALL day. I am definitely a lucky man!!


This morning we had a deeeelicious Sunday brunch.  Ying made blueberry muffins(沒錯!藍莓瑪分是我早上現烤的,快點拍手), a scrambled egg quiche, potatoes, cabbage, apples(蘋果是老爺切的) and coffee(咖啡也是老爺泡的) ... and it was all ready by 10:30am!!! 

A closeup:





Then for an early dinner, Ying made stir fried rice noodles(就是炒米粉啦!我們都喜歡吃那種埔里粗米粉):

We have leftovers, so I get to bring them for lunch tomorrow too!!

In the kitchen, Ying is the boss and I am just the helper :)  .... so I follow orders like "wash this" .. and "cut this" ... and "the pot is too heavy; can you pour this into that?"  hehehe ... uh oh! Ying is looking over my shoulder so I have to go now. Take care!!

-Dean :)



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