Thursday, June 25, 2009
I was listening to this on the way to work this morning :)

Filed under: English | 老爺大人


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Ok, so I've been on my own for the past month or so. (Ying and Bonnie come back on July 1st. Yay!) Anyway, I've been able to eat pretty well. Quick is the key. But I didn't want to eat a frozen lean cuisine every night so I had no choice but to learn to make some edible stuff .... Here's what I made tonight:

Yay! Yam Leaves and dumplings.  You can't get more Asian than that.  Ok, so I need to work on the presentation part. But it sure tasted good!

I said quick was the key. Those were frozen dumplings from Ranch 99. While the dumplings were boiling, I cooked the veggies. They were ready at the same time. Total time in kitchen was under 20 minutes. Not bad eh?

And a few weeks ago I made steak:

I followed this tip on salting the steak, covering it all over with a thick layer of salt and letting it sit for 15 minutes.  Then I washed off the salt and pan fried it. Turned out just right! I've had steak this way at least once a week for the past few weeks.

So yeah, I'm starting to get the hang of this cooking thing. Even so, I'm glad that Ying will be back in a week :)

Filed under: English


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Ying's outta town, so all you readers that like reading her posts are just outta luck! Too bad!

Next up in our dorky, nerdy, Dean posting series is a video on how I mount my iPhone in the car so I can listen to music/podcasts, use the GPS functionality, check email, sent txt msgs, and watch movies while driving down the freeway on the way to work.

Umm. Ok, so music and GPS stuff is true. Everything else is very, very, VERY, sparingly used if used at all. It's dangerous to use anything on the iPhone that takes more than a split second of focus.  On the way to work, any time I see a car driving slower than the flow of traffic, drifting inside their lane, or braking for no apparent reason, I guarantee you, that person is either putting on make up or typing something on their phone.  So don't do it! Just drive, dang it.  </rant>

Oh, before I get to the post. I notice that women who don't pay attention while driving are the drifters and brakers, while men seem to be more prone to driving slower than the flow of traffic (in the fast lane usually). </scientific observation>

Aaaaaannd, now; The moment you've all been waiting for, the video of me being a nerd!!!!eleven!1


Filed under: English | iPhone 3G


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

So in part 1, I brought home a sad little lamp from our trashroom.

This is the post where this sad little lamp is sad no more! Now it's a graceful fancypants lamp!

I went to IKEA and picked up the parts: $4.99 for a GRUNDTON (table lamp kit) and $8.99 for two SPARSAM flourescent bulbs. I'm only going to count this fix as costing $4.99+$4.50=$9.50 because I only use one of the bulbs. We have another IKEA lamp that takes this size bulb so the extra will just be a household spare.

Anyway, I happened to be meeting someone to sell some old laptop RAM for $10 today. So today's net dollar spend is zero!

On to the pictures!



Make sure the lamp isn't DOA before I get my grubby mitts on it...


It took almost 2 hours to get to this far... the grundton wire was thicker than the original and it was really tough getting it through the neck. Oh! And I took a break to get my 10 bucks....



Me and electricity understand each other perfectly. I remain scared of it, and I remain alive.  If I really did mess up the wire while pushing and pulling through the lamp neck... I was wondering if those rubber tipped stanleys would really insulate me from 1.21 jiggawatts of instant teeth clenching....?



And now some glamour shots! Old Lamp, this is YOUR time to SHINE!!!!!1


"Why's that sticker there," you ask? Well, it's because.... Old Lamp is sitting on top of DialupPC's case!  DialupPC is now our Windows Home Server (simply the awesomest backup/fileshare OS. Ever.)


That's all, folks!

-Dean :)

Filed under: English | Trashroom Treasure


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I really need to stop bringing stuff home...

With Ying and Bonnie out of town, there's just no stopping me!

I found this today. It looked kind of sad in the trashroom. And I felt bad thinking that it might end up at the dump. The cord is frayed and it's all tarnished. The light part is easy... just go to ikea and get a little light set for a few bucks. 

But the metal part of the lamp... is it brass? How do I polish this up?

Does anyone know?

Read Part 2 - Old Lamp is fixed!

Filed under: English | Trashroom Treasure


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