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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Dear Readers,

Happy Valentine's Day!  I didn't buy anything fancy for Ying this year.  Instead, I used a piece of cardboard to make her a puzzle.  I got the idea from another friend who sent puzzles with a note written on them for Christmas cards.  So here is my version....

1. In the morning, when Ying wakes up, she'll certainly go to the bathroom right?


2. After following the arrows, she'll see the note!


3. Here's the note:

(Good Morning Baby! Your clue: It can show a lot of pictures! Find it and you will have another clue!)


4. The clue refers to the LCDTouchFrame!


5. The "thing" we bought was at an antique shop in the Orange Circle was the phone that I used for Dialup PC... and look what's beside it!

It's a puzzle piece! Tada!

(Good job Sweetie! Only 2 more to go! I think there is something in "ma ma sad"!)

Here's the front:


6. What is "ma ma sad?".... There is the Taiwanese brand of stove exhaust called "ma ma happy" and it's really good.  I gave our stove exhaust fan the name "ma ma sad" because it sucks at sucking air...



7. There's a plate in the microwave! With ... quarters?? And a Note!

(Baby, I know sometimes I like to hooling around too much! I am making you play a game in the morning before you are fully awake! I will have to make sure I "make my skin tight"! Happy Valentine's day BB.  P.S. - Please feed these to Doraemon!)


8. Aha! So the quarters are for our Doraemon (kitty bank). Hey there's the last piece!



9. The final piece...

(Baby you found all the pieces of my heart! Truely, without you, I am not whole. You took all of my pieces and made me a 100% person. Thank you fore being there for me and caring and loving me so much! I love you baby! Happy Valentine's Day!)


And the puzzle put together:




Filed under: Dean and Ying | English


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